

Beyond Hope by Derrick Jensen
We Were Made For These Times by Clarissa Pinkola Estes
The People Paradox: Self-Esteem Striving, Immortality Ideologies, and Human Response to Climate Change by Janis L. Dickinson
Transforming Despair: An Interview with Joanna Macy by Mary NurrieStearns
If Your House Is On Fire: Kathleen Dean Moore On The Moral Urgency Of Climate Change by Mary Democker
Learning To See In The Dark Amid Catastrophe – An Interview With Joanna Macy by Dahr Jamail
Love As Political Resistance: Lessons From Audre Lorde And Octavia Butler by Adrienne Maree Brown
Stopping Climate Change Is Hopeless. Let’s Do It. by Auden Schendler & Andrew P. Jones
So what if we’re doomed? Climate chaos, mass extinction, the collapse of civilization: A guide to facing the ecocide by Brian Calvert
Collapse Is Already Here: It’s a process, not an event by Chris Martenson
“New Climate Debate: How to Adapt to the End of the World” by Christopher Flavelle
Climate Change’s Hidden Victim: Your Mental Health by Ciara O’Rourke
We Were Made For These Times by Clarissa Pinkola Estes
Climate Change And Capitalism: We Can’T Confront One Without Facing The Other by Conor Lynch
In Facing Mass Extinction, We Must Allow Ourselves to Grieve by Dahr Jamail
Brace for Impact, as the Climate “End Game” Has Arrived by Dahr Jamail
‘Everything is not going to be okay’: How to live with constant reminders that the Earth is in trouble by Dan Zak
I’m Just a Scientist Maybe I See Things Different to You by Des Pensable
New Evidence That Climate Change Poses a Much Greater Threat to Humanity Than Recently Understood Because the IPCC has been Systematically Underestimating Climate Change Risks: An Ethical Analysis by Donald Brown
The Miraculous Hope of Climate Realists by Erika Spangler-Siegfried
Climate Anxiety Doesn’T Have To Ruin Your Life. Here’S How To Manage It. by Eve Andrews
Keynesianism is dead. We need a radical reboot of our economy by George Monbiot
Ground Truthing: An Interview with Terry Tempest Williams by Guernica Magazine
There’s Only One Way to Avoid Climate Catastrophe: ‘De-growing’ our Economy by Jason Hickel
Are You Ready To Consider That Capitalism Is The Real Problem? by Jason Hickel & Martin Kirk
You Say You Want a Revolution? by Jeffrey Shampnois
Deep Adaptation: A Map for Navigating Climate Tragedy by Jem Bendell
Hope and Vision in the Face of Collapse – The 4th R of Deep Adaptation by Jem Bendell
Banishing the Climate Change Blues by Jenny Shalant
“The ‘Burn It All Down’ Approach: Trump Uses Dire Warming Predictions to Justify Increasing Emissions” by Jessica Corbett
Grieving Could Offer A Pathway Out Of A Destructive Economic System by Jo Confino
Our Aversion to Doom and Gloom Is Dooming Us by John Atcheson
“We Need Courage, Not Hope, To Face Climate Change” by Kate Marvel
The One Thing No One Ever Says About Grieving by Katherine Schafler
“Why We Won’t Quit The Climate Fight” by Kathleen Dean Moore & Sueellen Campbell
Grief and Hope in Social Change by Kathy LeMay
Climate Despair Vs. Action: A False Choice? by Kritee Kanko
5 Buddhist Practices to Face the Truth of Climate Change and Take Action by Lama Willa B. Miller
“Climate change apathy, not denial, is the biggest threat to our planet” by Leo Barasi
We Can Change How Earth’s Climate Story Ends by Lizanne Foster
Eco-spirituality: towards a values-based economic structure by Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee
Building a Locus of Control: Protecting Yourself From “Climate Trauma” by Lynae Bresser
Why We Are Naively Optimistic About Climate Change by Marcelo Gleiser
Climate change: The more we know, the worse it seems by Mark Lynas
“The Process of Forming a Paradigm” by Mary Morrissey
Transforming Despair: An Interview with Joanna Macy by Mary NurrieStearns
The Root Of The Climate Crisis Is Capitalism, Not Demographics by Michael Friedman
Stifled Grief: How the West Has It Wrong by Michelle E. Steinke
We’ve Hoped Our Way Into Our Current Crisis by Miguel Clark Mallet
Focusing on how individuals can stop climate change is very convenient for corporations by Morten Fibieger Byskov
How Collective Intelligence can Change your World, Right Now by Nafeez Ahmed
The Conversation No One Knows How To Have by Nick Humphrey
Eco‐Anxiety, Tragedy, And Hope: Psychological And Spiritual Dimensions Of Climate Change by Panu Pihkala
10 Recommendations For People With Eco-Anxiety by Panu Pihkala
The Wild Beauty of Language Grieves with Us by Parker J. Palmer
Blind Spot: The Inevitable End of Accelerating Change by Peter Russell
Encyclical: Care for our Common Home by Pope Francis
Why Climate Change Isn’t Our Biggest Environmental Problem, and Why Technology Won’t Save Us by Richard Heinberg
The End of Economic Growth Is Inevitable. Let’s Plan for It. by Richard Heinberg
End Times, Dead Ahead by Robert Hunziker
Tropical Depressions by Sam Kriss & Ellie Mae O’Hagan
Terry Tempest Williams: “Survival Becomes a Spiritual Practice” by Sarah van Gelder
Can our willingness to grieve save the burning world? by ShuNahSii Rose
Getting Real About It: Meeting The Psychological And Social Demands Of A World In Distress by Susanne C. Moser, Ph.D.
The Courage to Live without Knowing How by Unmani


Emergent Strategies: Shaping Change, Changing Worlds by Adrienne Maree Brown
The Wisdom of Insecurity: A Message for an Age of Anxiety by Alan W. Watts
Eaarth by Bill McKibben
The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You’re Supposed to Be and Embrace Who You Are by Brené Brown
Daring Greatly: How the Courage to Be Vulnerable Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent, and Lead by Brené Brown
Dark Gold: The Human Shadow And The Global Crisis by Carolyn Baker
Sacred Demise by Carolyn Baker
Navigating the Coming Chaos by Carolyn Baker
Collapsing Consciously: Transformative Truths for Turbulent Times by Carolyn Baker
Return to Joy by Carolyn Baker & Andrew Harvey
Climate: A New Story by Charles Eisenstein
The More Beautiful World Our Hearts Know Is Possible (Sacred Activism) by Charles Eisenstein
Buddhist Economics: an enlightened approach to the dismal science by Clair Brown
Apocalyptic Planet: Field Guide to the Everending Earth by Craig Childs
Ishmael: An Adventure of the Mind and Spirit by Daniel Quinn
The Impossible Conversation: Choosing Reconnection and Resilience at the End of Business as Usual by Dean Walker
Beyond Hope: Letting Go of A World In Collapse by Deb Ozarko
A Language Older Than Words by Derrick Jensen
The Myth of Human Supremacy by Derrick Jensen
The Wild Edge of Sorrow: Rituals of Renewal and the Sacred Work of Grief by Francis Weller
Entering the Healing Ground: Grief, Ritual and the Soul of the World by Francis Weller
Are We Screwed? How a New Generation is Fighting to Survive Climate Change by Geoff Dembicki
The Revolution Will Not Be Funded: Beyond the Non-Profit Industrial Complex by INCITE! Women of Color Against Violence
Facing Climate Change: An Integrated Path to the Future by Jeffrey T. Kiehl
Poems to Live By in Troubling Times by Joan Murray
Active Hope: How To Face The Mess We’re In Without Going Crazy by Joanna Macy & Chris Johnstone
Coming Back to Life – Updated Guide to the Work That Reconnects by Joanna Macy & Molly Brown
Dark Age America: Climate Change, Cultural Collapse, and the Hard Future Ahead by John Michael Greer
Coming of Age at the End of Nature: A Generation Faces Living on a Changed Planet by Julie Dunlap & Susan A. Cohen
Great Tide Rising: Towards Clarity and Moral Courage in a time of Planetary Change by Kathleen Dean Moore
Grief Is a Journey: Finding Your Path Through Loss by Kenneth J. Doka
Emotional Resiliency In The Era Of Climate Change: A Clinician’S Guide by Leslie Davenport
Ecotherapy: Healing with Nature in Mind by Linda Buzzell & Craig Chalquist
Spiritual Ecology: The Cry of the Earth by Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee
Spiritual Ecology: 10 Practices to Reawaken the Sacred in Everyday Life by Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee & Hilary Hart
While Glaciers Slept: Being Human in a Time of Climate Change by M Jackson
Who Do We Choose To Be?: Facing Reality, Claiming Leadership, Restoring Sanity by Margaret Wheatley
Hope Beneath Our Feet: Restoring Our Place in the Natural World by Martin Keogh
The Smell of Rain on Dust: Grief and Praise by Martín Prechtel
This Changes Everything by Naomi Klein
No Is Not Enough: Resisting Trump’s Shock Politics and Winning the World We Need by Naomi Klein
Soul of a Citizen: Living with Conviction in Challenging Times by Paul Loeb
The Impossible Will Take a Little While: A Citizen’s Guide to Hope in a Time of Fear by Paul Loeb
Living Beautifully With Uncertainty And Change by Pema Chödrön
What We Think About When We Try Not To Think About Global Warming: Toward a New Psychology of Climate Action by Per Espen Stoknes
Hope in the Dark by Rebecca Solnit
Environmental Melancholia: Psychoanalytic Dimensions Of Engagement by Renee Lertzman
The Community Resilience Reader: Essential Resources for an Era of Upheaval by Richard Heinberg, Chuck Collins, Daniel Lerch, William Rees, Stephanie Mills, Joshua Farley, Asher Miller
The Climate Swerve: Reflections on Mind, Hope, and Survival by Robert Jay Lifton
We’re Doomed. Now What?: Essays on War and Climate Change by Roy Scranton
Learning to Die in the Anthropocene: Reflections on the End of a Civilization by Roy Scranton
Facing the Change: Personal Encounters with Global Warming by Steven Pavlos Holmes
Radical Acceptance by Tara Brach
A New Republic Of The Heart: An Ethos For Revolutionaries by Terry Patten
Resilience Matters 2016: Sustainable, Equitable Solutions by The Urban Resilience Project
Nature Love Medicine: Essays on Wildness and Wellness by Thomas Lowe Fleischner
Radical Joy For Hard Times: Finding Meaning and Making Beauty in Earth’s Broken Places by Trebbe Johnson


Everything Is Waiting For You by David Whyte
Consolations by David Whyte
To Be Of Use by Marge Piercy
Reduced to Joy by Mark Nepo
Clearing by Martha Postlewaite
The Summer Day by Mary Oliver
Wild Geese by Mary Oliver
In Blackwater Woods by Mary Oliver
The Wound of Love by Maya Luna
Salt by Nayyirah Waheed
Nejma by Nayyirah Waheed
Let This Darkness Be A Bell Tower by Rainer Maria Rilke
Book of Hours by Rainer Maria Rilke
The Breeze At Dawn by Rumi
Milk and Honey by Rupi Kaur
Thanks by W. S. Merwin
The Peace of Wild Things by Wendell Berry


Merchants of Doubt by Naomi Oreskes
How to Let Go of the World and Love All The Things Climate Can’t Change by Josh Fox
This Changes Everything by Naomi Klein
Koyaanisqatsi by
Fierce Light: When Spirit Meets Activism by
Flight From Death: The Quest For Immortality by


Making Sanctuary: What Does Activism Look Like At The End Of Hope? by Bayo Akomolafe
Our Planet by Hosted by David Attenborough
Shots of Awe by Jason Silva
The Future is Calling Us to Greatness by Michael Dowd
One Strange Rock by National Geographic
Years Of Living Dangerously by
Planet Earth by
Planet Earth 2
Apocalypse Now This


New Thinking On The Climate Crisis by Al Gore
Facing Exctinction by Catherine Ingram
Story Disruption & Morphogenesis by Charles Eisenstein
Buddhist Economics by Clair Brown
5 Gates of Grief by Francis Weller
The Emergent Patterns Of Climate Change by Gavin Schmidt
We Can’t Be Silent on Climate Change or the Unsustainability of Capitalist System by George Monbiot
Why I Must Speak Out About Climate Change by James Hansen
Deep Adaptation by Jem Bendell & Toni Spencer
Active Hope Show 1 – The Shambhala Warrior Prophecy by Joanna Macy
Living Into Being by Joe Brewer
Can we create a new reality with an awareness of our two minds? by Lee Smith
Not the Future We Ordered, Honoring Our Grief by Michael Dowd
Ecological Wisdom for Chaotic, Challenging Times by Michael Dowd
How to Resist Trump’s Shock Doctrine by Naomi Klein
The Voyage from Despair to Hope: Resilience & Mindful Advocacy in 2017 by Parallax Press
Man Versus Earth Who Will Win? by Prince Ea
Why I Think This World Should End by Prince Ea
Dear Future Generations: Sorry by Prince Ea
Democracy Now: Robert Jay Lifton on the Apocalyptic Twins of Nuclear and Climate Threats & Reflections on Survival by Robert Jay Lifton
Getting Real: When Climate Change Comes Home by Susanne C. Moser, Ph.D.
A New Story Of the People by
Becoming Midwives for The Great Transition by


WHY?!? Podcast by Aimee Lewis-Reau & LaUra Schmidt
Terrestrial by Ashley Ahearn
S Town by Brian Reed
The Lifeboat Hour by Carolyn Baker
Citizens’ Climate Radio by Citizens Climate Lobby
Conversation Earth by Dave Gardner
The Poetry of Predicament by Dean Walker
The Unplug Podcast by Deb Ozarko
Resistence Radio by Derrick Jensen
Warm Regards by Eric Holthaus
Climate One by Greg Dalton
On Being by Krista Tippet
No Place Like Home by Mary Anne Hitt and Anna Jane Joyner
Last Born In The Wilderness by Patrick Farnsworth


Elizabeth Kobert & David Roberts: Covering Catastrophe by ClimateOne
Joanna Macy: Wild Love for the World by OnBeing
Mary Oliver: Listening to the World by OnBeing
Terry Tempest Williams: The Vitality of the Struggle by OnBeing
Episode #6: Tim DeChristopher by Transformation without Apocalypse
Episode #8: Kathleen Dean Moore by Transformation without Apocalypse
Episode #9: Panel (DeChristopher, van Gelder, Moore, Nelson) by Transformation without Apocalypse
Episode #10: Joanna Macy by Transformation without Apocalypse
Near-Term Human Extinction: Guy Mcpherson (#218) by Conversation Earth
A Guided Meditation on Encountering Grief with Joan Halifax by Recorded From OnBeing
Tara Brach: Saying “Yes” – Meeting Your Edge and Softening by Buddhist Talk
Initiation: A New Story Of Climate w/ Charles Eisenstein by Last Born In The Wilderness
Climate Change Podcasters Unite! 8 Climate Pods, 8 Amazing Stories! by America Adapts The Climate Change Podcast


Black Lives Matter
Citizens’ Climate Lobby
Climate Reality Leadership Corps
Extinction Rebellion
New Moon Rites of Passage
Pachamama Alliance
Post Carbon Institute
Radical Joy For Hard Times
Sierra Club
The Climate Mobilization
Writers In The Schools


Act on Climate: Steps to Individual, Community, and Political Action by University of Michigan
Awakening The Dreamer Course by Pachamama Alliance
Climate Reality Leadership Corps by Al Gore – Climate Reality
Conflict Transformation by Emory University
Game Changer Intensive Course by Pachamama Alliance
How to Change the World by Wesleyan University
Our Earth’s Future by Natural History Museum
Resilience Bridge by Dean Walker & Carolyn Baker
Think Resilience Course by Richard Heinberg – Post Carbon Institute
Warriors for the Human Spirit by Margaret Wheatley