Home of the world-renowned peer-support program created by LaUra Schmidt and Aimee Lewis Reau…
10 Steps to Resilience & Empowerment in a Chaotic Climate
A peer-to-peer support group for people overwhelmed by eco-distress and collective trauma from social and ecological injustices
This transformative program for processing eco-anxiety and climate grief has been seen in…
Heart-Centered Processing in Small Groups
10-Step Process

Process Heavy Emotions
We believe that healing occurs as we build emotional intelligence, learn about our nervous systems, and cultivate spaces to name and explore our painful emotions such as fear, anger, and grief. This process opens space for new ideas and renewed energy to emerge.

Deconstruct Cultural Narratives
With the support of community, we, who have have been socialized by the dominant culture, do the work of looking at our varying levels of privilege, while undoing our cultural conditioning. When we acknowledge how we have perpetuated systems of oppression, we can stop participating in those systems and refuse to let them live within us.

Build Resilient Communities
Has our work helped you?
Do your dreams for our future include resilient communities?