10-Steps to Personal Resilience & Empowerment in a Chaotic Climate
Our unique 10-Step Program helps individuals and communities build resilience by creating spaces where people can lean into their painful feelings about the state of the world and reorient their lives toward meaningful action.
Heart-Centered Processing in Small Groups
10-Step Process
Process Heavy Emotions
We believe that certain creative and emergent ideas only become available once we’ve regulated our nervous systems and talked about our painful emotions such as fear, anger, and eco-grief.
Deconstruct Cultural Narratives
With the support of community, we do the work of looking at our privilege and undoing our cultural conditioning. When we acknowledge how we have perpetuated systems of oppression, we can stop participating in those systems and refuse to let them live within us.
Build Resilient Communities
We help cultivate strong communities by creating and holding digital and physical spaces where people can gather in groups to share themselves, be witnessed, and practice deep vulnerability.
Is our work helping you cope?
Does your vision of the future include resilient communities?